Noise Phobias

Sudden Rain

Anyone else get hit by this sudden storm Thursday afternoon?

As the weather gets nice and the start of summer arrives, the time of year for fun outdoor activities and events also brings some worrisome things in the lives of our pets to my attention.  Even though these things may be common to us as humans, dogs and even some cats have real phobias of your typical thunderstorm or evening of fireworks.  Both dogs and cats not only have a greater range of hearing than humans, but they also have more muscular control of their ears, allowing them to move their ears around for better sound detection.

A loud, unpredictable thunderstorm that echoes through a home can be very troubling for some pets.  Fireworks shows, sometimes lasting for up to half an hour, can seem to be a never ending spectacle of lights and loud booms.  If we think these occasions are loud, just imagine the amplification of what our pets may hear!  Other noises that could trigger tension could be everyday things like playing loud music, trains, and gunfire during hunting seasons.

If your pet seems particularly stressed in certain situations, an appointment can certainly be scheduled to speak with Dr. Estelle about these matters!  There are a numerous different options for treating anxiety, depending on your pet’s health & level of stress.  Treatment options can include examples like antihistamines, herbal remedies, or even prescription sedatives if necessary.  Dr. Estelle will want to do an examination on your pet as part of teaming with you to determine the best treatment options for your pet.

While you are out an about with your pet, it is helpful to be aware of weather and special events, like fireworks.  We want everyone to have a great summer, and that includes our furry friends, too! If you have any questions about anything you’ve read, please feel free to call us at 610-268-6208, or stop in to visit us!  We would be happy to speak with you and answer your questions to the best of our ability!